Craic of Dawn 2024



Craic of Dawn Date:   April 6th 2024  😊

NEW LOCATION for 2024:  We are excited to announce we have a new location for our Craic of Dawn 2024. The location is: Beyond the Trees Avondale 🌳 Deciduous Tree Emoji ❤️ We would like to thank Aga Nowacka and Coillte for opening the gates at Avondale Forest Park and allowing us to run our event this year within this beautiful setting in Wicklow

Cost of this Fundraiser Event:   €50

The Objective of the Craic of Dawn: This is fundraising event for the Glen of Imaal Irish Red Cross Mountain Rescue Team. It raises vital funding that goes towards maintaining the Glen team vehicles, equipment and base in order to run the team efficiently and effectively. Because we are a voluntary organisation these funds are vital to us.

Details:   This year the Craic of Dawn is a 10/11km hike around the stunning trails of Avondale Forest Park. You will be walking along the many different trails of Avondale forest taking in trees from the early 20th century Great Forest Experiment. What was the Forest Experiment I hear you ask.. Well, between the years of 1905 and 1913,  99 different species of trees were planted in experimental plots along the Great Ride  to see which would grow best under Irish conditions. This experiment provided valuable knowledge for todays modern day foresters around Ireland. So, this year for the Craic of Dawn you will be walking in amongst 500 acres of mature trees from all over the world, finishing off ON TOP of the Treetop walk and viewing tower which peeps out just above the Avondale forest, taking in 360 degrees of glorious sunrise morning views!  🌳 Deciduous Tree Emoji ❤️

This walk is suitable for all walkers, as mentioned last year – the biggest challenge for the Craic of Dawn is actually getting up for the early morning sunrise. The early rise is so worth it! Once you are up, you’re up! It’s such a great experience starting your day with the sunrise. The silence of the morning and watching the world wake up.. If you have not experienced sunrise before it is SO worth it.. If you have experienced it, you know what it’s about..  so, what are you waiting for!?

Time:   On the morning, both Entry gates to the venue and Registration will be open from 5am and will close at 5.30am Sharp. (Give yourselves plenty of time for travelling, parking and getting booted and suited for your hike) Parking is free of charge.

Registration for the event is very simple. Just follow the registration link below. Fill in your details as requested. Before you press “continue” to payment you have the option to register for someone else (maybe you are coming along with a friend or a family member and would like to register them as well) When you finish putting in details, press continue to payment and then you are done! Any hassles email us at cod(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)

Cost of the Event: €50pp




An email will be sent to all registered participants before the event


How to get to Beyond the Trees at Avondale: Click this link for directions and timings etc.. 


The Avondale Forest Car Park is Free of Charge. The gates will open at 5am and will close at 5.30am (sharp) 


Gates and Check in opens from 5.00am, last Check In is at 5.30am sharp. Ensure you leave enough time for travelling, parking, getting dressed etc.

On the walking route 

The route is easy to follow and will be well-marked with arrows and flags. You will also meet our Team members on the route to cheer you on and assist if needed. Sunrise on April 6th 2024 is at 6.45 am 🌞


If we could, we would guarantee a beautiful calm morning sunrise but unfortunately we can’t!  Always keep an eye on the weather for the few days prior to the event so you have an idea what the weather will be like on the day. Dress accordingly.


The Cafe on site will be open after the event for tea, coffee and Breakfast.


Kit List

  • Good waterproof boots / Shoes
  • Rain gear – Jacket and pants (if you have them)
  • Hat & gloves
  • Head torch, with spare batteries (It will be dark when you set out at 5am)
  • Mobile phone
  • Basic first aid (minimum: large sterile dressing, bandage, sterile wipes, compeed)
  • Some glucose (always good to have jellies, sweets and/or energy bars in your bag)
  • Food and water sufficient for you for the duration of the event
  • Some extra clothing layers – e.g. spare fleece