News rescue (11/01/10)
Last night, volunteers from the Glen of Imaal Mountain Rescue Team went to the assistance of a stranded motorist and his passengers in a remote mountain pass near Aughavannagh, Co Wicklow. The passengers of the vehicle were a film crew from SKY news who were in Ireland to interiew some high profile Irish authors. After completing an interview with a famous Irish author near Moyne in South Wicklow they attempted to travel back to Dublin.
They made use of a satnav system installed in the rental vehicle, unfortunately the route chosen by the satnav sent them on a picturesque tour of the back roads and mountain passes of South Wicklow. It lead them from Aughavannagh up the steep incline to Slievemann – a mountain pass which leads down into the Glenmalure valley. Once they got into difficulty in the deep snow they sensibly alerted the Gardai, who requested the help of the Glen of Imaal Mountain Rescue Team. Team members questioned the driver about the exact location and with some effort managed to get to them around 6pm last night.
The occupants were evacuated to safety and spent a more comfortable evening in the Woodenbridge Hotel. A Team member helped the crew retrieve their vehicle this morning.